Executive Function: Foundations for Learning and Teaching


143 pages, soft cover

Landmark’s Language-Based Teaching Series provides the essential information and practical classroom resources that educators need to build students’ language and literacy skills. Each book provides concise explanations, mini-case studies, and online access to customizable materials for classroom use.

What you’ll find in Executive Function: Foundations for Learning and Teaching:

  • Concise information about executive function and its relation to academic proficiency
  • Explanations of the roles of attention, memory, emotion, motivation, and effort in learning
  • Practical teaching strategies for enhancing executive skills
  • Student profiles and student comments on learning experiences
  • Online and printable resources for classroom use
  • Suggestions for further reading

This book also includes a link to download the templates that can be found throughout the text.

This is the required text for the Executive Function: Impact on Academic Proficiency online course.

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